PCTO PPSU多功能寬口奶瓶 330ml/11oz配快速奶嘴,適合6個月或以上
(秒開秒關) 專利PCTO™設計,單手就能開關奶瓶,一壓即關、一轉即開,簡單秒開關的設計,亦無需擔心漏奶。
(智能防脹氣) 智能排氣孔可減少因飲奶過程形成的氣泡,以減少寶寶吸入過多空氣而造成脹氣不適。
(一瓶多功能) 擠奶、儲奶、餵奶、可於同一奶瓶使用,不浪費任何一滴珍貴母乳。
(簡單易清洗) 奶瓶任何一表面手感滑順、寬口徑、少零件的設計,讓清洗變得非常輕鬆容易。
(可疊放收納) 配合收納儲存蓋使用,不論空瓶或裝滿時都可整齊疊放,大大減少儲存空間。
使用hegen PPSU多功能寬口奶瓶小提示:
• 我們只選用美國進口PPSU(U.S.A. PPSU),是世界公認PPSU最高等級的原料供應商,由於遵循嚴格製造標準,年產量非常有限。
• Hegen 選用的PPSU原材料同時獲得美國FDA食品接觸認證以及美國NSF醫療材料認證。
• 它結合了玻璃和塑料材料的優點; 無BPA和輕量級。
• PPSU天然呈琥珀色,不含人造色素。
建議搭配 hegen – 奶瓶/奶咀刷使用,延長奶瓶使用壽命。
Hegen PCTO™ 330ml/11oz Feeding Bottle PPSU with Fast Flow Teat
Additional teats of various sizes (sold separately) allow mothers to simply swap to their choice of teats (Extra slow/slow/medium/fast/thick feed) for baby’s perfect feed as time goes by.
Breast milk storage lids (sold separately) allow the feeding bottles to be converted to air-tight and secured storage containers easily by simply swapping the interchangeable lids. Growing with your baby, these storage containers can also be used as a snack cup or to store baby food, semi-solids, puree, biscuits, fruits or even juices!
Revolutionary no screw thread one-handed closure (Patent Pending). Press-to-Close, Twist-to-Open, PCTO™ innovation for hassle-free handling and avoiding spillage.
Air venting bypasses the milk minimizing formation of air bubbles and oxidation of precious nutrients. Built-in anti-colic air vent reduces unwanted air intake.
Elliptical-shaped silicone teat closely mimics a mother’s breast to simulate a real latching experience, making combining breast and bottle feeding possible. Off-centre teat enables your baby to feed in a natural upright position.
Express, Store and Feed within a single container with interchangeable pump or adapters, feeding collars and storage lids. No wasteful transfer of milk necessary.
Hassle-Free Cleaning: The smooth interior surface, wide bottle opening and minimal parts make cleaning exceptionally easy.
PCTO PPSU多功能寬口奶瓶 330ml/11oz配快速奶嘴,適合6個月或以上
(秒開秒關) 專利PCTO™設計,單手就能開關奶瓶,一壓即關、一轉即開,簡單秒開關的設計,亦無需擔心漏奶。
(智能防脹氣) 智能排氣孔可減少因飲奶過程形成的氣泡,以減少寶寶吸入過多空氣而造成脹氣不適。
(一瓶多功能) 擠奶、儲奶、餵奶、可於同一奶瓶使用,不浪費任何一滴珍貴母乳。
(簡單易清洗) 奶瓶任何一表面手感滑順、寬口徑、少零件的設計,讓清洗變得非常輕鬆容易。
(可疊放收納) 配合收納儲存蓋使用,不論空瓶或裝滿時都可整齊疊放,大大減少儲存空間。
使用hegen PPSU多功能寬口奶瓶小提示:
• 我們只選用美國進口PPSU(U.S.A. PPSU),是世界公認PPSU最高等級的原料供應商,由於遵循嚴格製造標準,年產量非常有限。
• Hegen 選用的PPSU原材料同時獲得美國FDA食品接觸認證以及美國NSF醫療材料認證。
• 它結合了玻璃和塑料材料的優點; 無BPA和輕量級。
• PPSU天然呈琥珀色,不含人造色素。
建議搭配 hegen – 奶瓶/奶咀刷使用,延長奶瓶使用壽命。
Hegen PCTO™ 330ml/11oz Feeding Bottle PPSU with Fast Flow Teat
Additional teats of various sizes (sold separately) allow mothers to simply swap to their choice of teats (Extra slow/slow/medium/fast/thick feed) for baby’s perfect feed as time goes by.
Breast milk storage lids (sold separately) allow the feeding bottles to be converted to air-tight and secured storage containers easily by simply swapping the interchangeable lids. Growing with your baby, these storage containers can also be used as a snack cup or to store baby food, semi-solids, puree, biscuits, fruits or even juices!
Revolutionary no screw thread one-handed closure (Patent Pending). Press-to-Close, Twist-to-Open, PCTO™ innovation for hassle-free handling and avoiding spillage.
Air venting bypasses the milk minimizing formation of air bubbles and oxidation of precious nutrients. Built-in anti-colic air vent reduces unwanted air intake.
Elliptical-shaped silicone teat closely mimics a mother’s breast to simulate a real latching experience, making combining breast and bottle feeding possible. Off-centre teat enables your baby to feed in a natural upright position.
Express, Store and Feed within a single container with interchangeable pump or adapters, feeding collars and storage lids. No wasteful transfer of milk necessary.
Hassle-Free Cleaning: The smooth interior surface, wide bottle opening and minimal parts make cleaning exceptionally easy.